Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our Dogs

One never likes to stereotype their loved ones, but I got this email from Casey this morning and enjoyed it so much, I thought I would share.

"I vaguely recall you saying something to me this morning about the dogs messing up the house. When I got up this morning the house was clean and there were the strangest notes on the counter:

Dearest Mother,

It is with utmost sincerity in my heart that I apologize for the indiscretion of April 7th 2009. My brother Charles and I happened upon a squirrel party near the sprinklers and matters got the best of us. We have cleaned the soiled floor using that devlish blue device kept in the hallway of the Meyer’s Manor. Again, please forgive our transgression.

Yours Truly,

Charlotte York Goldenblat Meyers III


Sorrie fhor geting ur houuse diirty.



c said...


Marci said...

Oh my word, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it, love it, love it.