We go on trips to Central Market. Casey introduced Indy to mushrooms.
We get a couple visits every week from Mamie Marie-Anne. He gets LOTS of cuddles.
We go on walks/runs at the lake. Indiana went "nude" since it was so hot, even though it was pretty early in the day. And it's more like jogging for me, but at least now the Bob jogging stroller has officially been used for jogging. Before, it felt like an SUV never used for sport...and no one in their right mind ever does that. ;-)
We've been attending two to three moms groups a week. Busy bee! This one was at the Jenkin's pool with folks from church, which was nice, but my favorite is the Mommy & Me class at Baylor on Monday morning. Every week there's a speaker like a Midwife or Swim Instructor or Nutritionist, etc, so I learn new things every time. Plus, it's all new moms, so everyone's very friendly and eager to share baby stories and tips. Excellent.
Nana Cindy came up for Father's day weekend. It was fun to see her and to get unlimited babysitting too!
And we do lots of hanging out at home, which is great. We love spending time with him. He's the sweetest.
Little Man slept last night for the first time ever in his crib in his room.
And, we're going to Tyler this weekend: 1) to visit Casey's grandmother so she can meet Indy, 2) because I really want to get out of town! We're staying at a B&B, so it promises to be a nice, relaxing weekend. It's the first long car ride for Indiana, so hopefully he'll be chill like he usually is in the car. He has been more fussy the last several weeks then he was his first six weeks, but generally, he's very happy and laid back. I'm thankful for that and for all the fun we've been having.
Well you've been busy! Love the nekked pic in the carseat...it is so hot out for our littles!!!
Good to see you today at Moms Group...sorry for all the "toddler talk!"
We loved Baby Bounce and Bookmarks! Unfortunately, the Ft. Worth libraries don't have a program for babies. We now go to a music class called Music Together which is excellent. I laughed at the BOB comment!
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